
Salad for breakfast?

Made myself salad for breakfast, and I think I'm loving it.
But what's missing is probably chicken breast meat - I need some meat in order to make the salad fulfilling.
Well, I just make the salad with whatever I have!

Salad is a great dish for everyone - because raw vegetables have higher nutrition than cooked ones (go google)
But a salad is not healthy if you add in too many cheese, bacon, and other fattening stuffs (you know it).
I'm inspired to make different kinds of salad from now on.
So, I've collated a bunch of inspiring salad dishes, that may inspire you too.
Let's feast our eyes on these shall we?

absolute love!
I hope these inspired you as much as I do!
Time to start making your own healthy salads, and let your creativity run wild ;)

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